Here is the link to a pdf version.

Curriculum vitae

I am now a Data Scientist at ID Solutions Oncology.

Software programming skills

I can write production-level code in Python and R. I am also familiar with bash scripting, git, Docker and CI/CD with GitLab tools.


Oct 2022 - Dec 2023: Postdoctoral researcher, COMPO Team, Inria, Inserm, Aix-Marseille University

Aix-Marseille University, Faculté de Pharmacie, Marseille, France

I was a postdoctoral researcher in Health Data Science at the Inria / Inserm COMPutational Oncology (COMPO) team, doing predictive modeling on clinical data from the PIONeeR national research project against lung cancer. I developed analysis pipelines involving the following techniques:

  • Survival analysis
  • Feature selection
  • Neural Networks
  • Generative models for tabular data

My postdoc is funded by the Laënnec Institute of Aix-Marseille University.

May - Oct 2022: Research assistant, COMPO Team, Inria

Inria Sophia, Marseille, France

I started to work mainly as a developer in the COMPO team before defending my PhD.

  • Exploratory data analysis
  • Statistical analysis
  • Automated report generation in R
  • CI/CD with Docker, GitLab CI and Pages

Nov 2021 - Apr 2022: Research assistant, Randopt team, Inria

Inria Paris-Saclay, Centre de Mathématiques Appliqués de Polytechnique (CMAP), Palaiseau, France

I stayed 6 more months in the lab to finish my PhD and deliver software.

  • Writing my PhD thesis
  • Contributing to the COCO software: release of the constrained test suite

Oct 2018 - Oct 2021: Research engineer and PhD student

Inria, Institut Polytechnique de Paris & Thales DMS, France

  • Derivative-free optimization
  • Constrained continuous optimization
  • Applications to digital signal processing of antenna arrays

Apr 2017 - Aug 2018: Data Scientist

MFG Labs, Paris, France

I made my end-of-studies internship, then worked as a full-time data scientist in the company.

  • Computational advertising
  • Predictive Lead scoring
  • Global optimization of a car rental business model


I defended my PhD in Computer Science on December 22nd at Institut Polytechnique de Paris.

2022: PhD in Computer Science

Institut Polytechnique de Paris, France

Under supervision of Dr. Nikolaus Hansen. My thesis is referenced in the French database, but under a non disclosure agreement.

2017: Master of Science in Applied Mathematics

Université Paris IX - Dauphine, France

Master MASH: Mathématiques, Apprentissage et Sciences Humaines.