
A list of my scientific publications

Peer-reviewed journals

  • Paul Dufossé, Philippe Sampaio, Asma Atamna, Dimo Brockhoff, Anne Auger, Nikolaus Hansen. Building scalable test problems for benchmarking constrained optimizers. In preparation.

International conferences

Full papers

  • Paul Dufossé, Nikolaus Hansen. Augmented Lagrangian, penalty techniques and surrogate modeling for constrained optimization with CMA-ES. GECCO 2021 - The Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, Jul 2021, Lille / Virtual, France. ⟨hal-03196365v2⟩

  • Paul Dufossé, Cyrille Enderli, Laurent Savy, Nikolaus Hansen. Phased-Array Antenna Pattern Optimization with Evolution Strategies. 2020 IEEE International Radar Conference, Sep 2020, Fiorenza, Italy. ⟨hal-03031358⟩

Workshop papers

  • Paul Dufossé, Asma Atamna. Benchmarking several strategies to update the penalty parameters in AL-CMA-ES on the bbob-constrained testbed GECCO 2022 - The Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, Jul 2022, Boston, Massachusetts, USA. ⟨10.1145/3520304.3534014⟩

  • Paul Dufossé, Cheikh Touré. Benchmarking MO-CMA-ES and COMO-CMA-ES on the Bi-objective bbob-biobj Testbed. GECCO 2019 - The Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, Jul 2019, Prague, Czech Republic. ⟨10.1145/3319619.3326892⟩ ⟨hal-02161252⟩

National Conferences

  • Une comparaison des algorithmes d’apprentissage pour la survie avec données manquantes, 54èmes journées de la Société de Statistique Française, 2023, Bruxelles, Belgique. ⟨arXiv:2303.13590⟩

Oral communications

  • Generative models for clinical datasets Workshop for Young Researchers in Cancer, 2023, Cancéropôle PACA, Porquerolles, France

  • Challenges in data-driven biomarkers research, TRANSLATE-IT seminar, 2023, Centre de Recherche en Cancérologie de Marseille (CRCM)


  • Paul Dufossé, Cyrille Enderli Finding optimal Pulse Repetion Intervals with Many-objective Evolutionary Algorithms ⟨arXiv:2011.06913⟩

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